Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Jace: Two Months

Two months old and this month has been full of smiles and even a few giggles! It is so fun to see Jace's little personality come out, we can't get enough of him! He is up to 12lbs and 23 inches long and changes a little more every day. He really has the sweetest temperament and is pretty calm and content most of the day until right before bedtime. He tends to fuss and wear himself out the last hour of the day but is sleeping 8-9 hours once he falls asleep so we can't really complain. 

He has cut back on feeding times a day and I typically nurse him 6-7 times per day. As much as I loved the constant snuggling/nursing the first few weeks, it is nice to have a little longer stretches between feedings to get more done. We are trying hard to have some semblance of a schedule, but some days we just go with the flow. He sleeps in his crib every night and does great! I try to get at least one of his daytime naps in the crib, but sometimes I put him down and he just smiles up at me and I can't help but let him nap on my chest! I always remind myself that he will never be this young again and I will never have only one baby again. The next time a little newborn is in this house our attention will be bit more divided between that baby and Jace. 

Here is what a typical day lately looks like for us...

6am- wake up and feeding
6:30- take him into our room and let him sleep on Austin's chest for an hour before Austin leaves for work. Definitely one of the best parts of the day! I use this time to pump to help build up my freezer supply for when I go back to work. 
7:30-9- naps with me in bed while I do quiet time/drink coffee.
9am- feeding
9:30-10- play time and awake
10- down for a nap
12- feeding
12:30-3- this is time I run errands, meet a friend for lunch, shop, etc. Jace usually sleeps in the stroller on and off 
3- nurse
3:30-5:30- nap
5:30- feed
6-8- usually fussy during this time so I like to wear him in the baby wrap while I get dinner ready or we go sit outside with him in the rocking chair. Austin gets home during this time too and he usually takes over to give me a break. 
8 (sometime between 8-9)- bed time routine. Our bed time routine starts with a bath (which he loves!), then I feed him, swaddle him, read a few books, and put him in the crib. It usually takes a few time of going back in to comfort him before he falls asleep, and every once in a while he wants to feed again. After he is settled he is usually down for the night. I guess you could say we "sleep-trained" him but really, he has always been a great sleeper and took to it naturally. I do love having a bedtime routine to get him settled in for the night. 

Eventually I would like to get him to where he sleeps from 7:30pm-7am, but for now I really like the schedule we are on. I have always been an early bird and love the 6am time with him. Early morning snuggles are the best and I love the quiet alone time with my little guy to think and pray over him. I keep the schedule fairly loose because life is busy and sometimes he wants to nurse way more, but I do like having an idea of how my day is going to go. Our mom's will watch him when I go back to work a few days a week and I really wanted them to have a little schedule to go by to make it easier. 

We have had a full month of Jace's first trip to the beach, traveling to Alabama to see family, meeting his Oma in South Georgia, and seeing a lot of old friends. Summer is such a wonderful time because it brings all of our old high school friends together. The ones who have moved away usually come to visit at some point and it has been wonderful to catch up with friends we have known for over a decade! 

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Jace's 2nd month of life...

Pediatrician's office for our 2 month checkup!

Sure do love these sweet smiles!

Memorial Day weekend we traveled to Huntsville to see Austin's nana and family! When we came home Jace gained a new Aunt when Austin's little brother proposed to his beautiful girlfriend Emily! We are so excited! We also got to play a little tennis and see some of our oldest and best friends from high school!

Meeting Oma Sonia for the first time!

Snuggling with his Pop pop!

First trip to Home Depot! We are working on a raised bed veggie garden in our backyard. Austin is always helping me keep the Joanna Gaines dream alive!

Early morning sweetness with dad!

Where we end up every night before bedtime...

We sure do love you, our happy boy! Every day with you is better than the last! You are our treasure!