Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jace: Three Months

On July 4th, our little man turned 3 months old! This month has been full of smiles and we are almost to the point of giggling. He loves to coo and baby talk all day long and is full of personality! We have settled into a nice little routine and he is sleeping 9-10 hours at night! 

Jace is still nursing and it has gotten a lot easier since starting him on medicine for acid reflux. At his 2 month appointment I told the doctor my concerns about him constantly arching his back and spitting up more. He is still spitting up a lot but the back arching and fussiness has slowed down a good deal. He typically nurses about 5-7 times a day and the typical times are 7am, 10am, 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm. He gained 1 pound this month and is up to 13 pounds but I think it's partially from when the reflux was an issue and partially from him not nursing as many times in a day. He is not that interested in feeding and would much rather play and look around most of the time. I have a feeling he is going to be a kid that I have to coax to eat because all he wants to do is move and play! He is so so wiggly and the slightest noise makes him pop off and want to look around. He is so curious and it is so hilarious to watch him struggle between wanting to eat and wanting to interact with everything around him. 

Jace has been a pretty good sleeper from the beginning and has started sleeping in longer stretches this month. We started doing bed time earlier because he's pretty fussy around 7pm on so we started our bedtime routine around then because I think the fussiness is just when he gets overtired. He takes 2-3 naps a day and they last anywhere from 1-2 hours. The morning nap is the easiest and he falls asleep almost immediately. We still swaddle for sleep and will probably transition out of that sometime this month. Right now he typically lays down for a nap around 8:30, 12, and 3 or 4. The last few days I have laid down with him around 5 for a 30-45 minute catnap and it is the absolute sweetest thing in the world! Around 7 or 7:15pm we start bath time (which he loves), then put on fresh pajamas, nurse, read a book, pray, swaddle and sleep! Sometimes he goes right to sleep, other times it takes several minutes of patting, rubbing his head for him to fall asleep. Lately that is the last feeding of the day and he hasn't been wanting a middle of the night feeding. He does wake up round 2 and 5 and wants the paci but goes right back to sleep. It has seemed like having a consistent bedtime and morning wake up time has helped him sleep through the night more than having consistent nap times. Nap time is still a struggle because some days I just can't be home all day and have to run errands. He doesn't nap as well out and about as he used to because he is so aware of all his surroundings and wants to take everything in!

Jace loves his bouncy seat and kicks his little legs like he is running a race when in it. He also started rolling from tummy to back this month and loves doing tummy time on the boppy. He is making eye contact and focusing a lot more and loves to grab anything with his hands. I have lost a lot of hair this month from his grabbing it and pulling at it! He loves interaction and will talk, coo and smile at you when you talk to him. He constantly has his hands in his mouth and drools all the time which I am wondering is an early sign of teething! Still loves his nuk pacifier as well and won't sleep without it. He hates being held against people's chest because he can't see what's going on and would much rather be held with his back to you so he can interact and stare at everything. We have been to the pool a few times this month and he loves the water and sleeps so good after swimming for a little while! Jace also visited the beach for the second time in his life and this kid loves the beach! He is so calm and content with the sound of the waves. He napped pretty much all day while we were there and then wanted to party all night! I learned that kids definitely get off schedule on vacation but it is so worth it for the memories and extra time with family! 

Jacey boy, you are the light of our lives! You are getting so much hair and have the most adorable button nose I have ever seen. I absolutely adore your big, gummy smile and can't wait to hear you belly laugh. You have a very passionate cry when you are upset and your I think you might have inherited some of your mom's intense personality :)! But most of the time you are happy and content to play and move those legs! You look so darn cute when you cry with your little scrunched up nose and red cheeks. If you are really upset you will grab onto your mama with as your tiny little fists and it is so precious. I absolutely love when you want to snuggle because mostly you want to play and look around so when I get the chance to rock you to sleep, I do it! We can worry about "self-soothing" later I guess! You saw your first fireworks this month and couldn't stop staring at them. You LOVE having your head rubbed and it is the cutest thing to watch your eyes get so heavy when we rub your little forehead. I can't wait to watch what God does with you kiddo and I pray all the time that He will give me insight into your little soul. We love you so very much little boy!

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