I feel like a terrible parent for saying this but does anyone else think it's just hilarious sometimes when they get so mad? I can tell the difference between his real cry of pain or sadness and a fake cry because he is just plain mad and sometimes it is just so funny. He is pulling up on everything! Walking in to his room when he wakes up to that little face just peering up at you while standing up in his crib is one of the cutest things I have ever seen in my life. He has been able to crawl for about a month now and is finally getting to the point where is crawling more than army crawling. He has been army crawling for a long time and preferred that to regular crawling for a while because he could get around faster. He loves to laugh, especially when I laugh at him doing something he thinks it is hilarious and laughs harder. He can clap his hands and gives high fives and boy has he got the moves. The kid can dance!
He eat man-size portions and really will eat just about anything. He is down to nursing about 3-4 times a day and eats 3 solid-food meals. He still sleeps about 12 hours at night from 8pm-8am and takes 2 naps a day ranging from 1-2 hours. We recently weaned him from the paci to where he only uses it for naps/bedtimes. The first day it did not go over well at all haha! Since then he's been just fine! He has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth and has been drooling a ton lately and I'm thinking there are more about to come in. He loves playing with other kids and is so fascinated by them and has lots of little bros. He loves the playground, especially the swings and eating the playground bark is a personal favorite of his. Austin's parents got him this awesome bike that I can push for Christmas and he loves going for walks in it. He was so fascinated by the puppies we had living at our house but hated when they nibbled on him. And now that they're gone he seems pretty happy to have Bailey all to himself again. Toilet paper rolls are also a new favorite and are among the top favorites of door stoppers, electrical plugs,dog food, and pulling mommy's hair.
My sweet Jace Austin Cooley my heart bursts with love for you. I look at you every morning and wonder how it is possible that you are my son? You bring so much joy to my life and I cannot fathom how great the love of God must be for you because I know my love for you is like a drop in the ocean compared to His love for you. Run the race marked out for you kid. Thank you of making the last 10 months of my life the sweetest months I have ever had. And it keeps getting better...
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